08 – CineSea – Doug Meltzer and Joe “Shorty” Caruso

The Humming Projector
The Humming Projector
08 – CineSea – Doug Meltzer and Joe “Shorty” Caruso

In this episode we talk to Doug Meltzer and Joe “Shorty” Caruso about the CineSea convention on the east coast of the United States.

Some highlights of this episode:

  • How Shorty got his nick name
  • How CineSea came to be and the motivation for creating it
  • The events from Thursday evening until Sunday at noon
  • Similarities in form and atmosphere compared to Blackpool
  • The importance of conventions for the community
  • Presentations

The next CineSea will be the September 28th to October 1st (2023).

Go to http://cineseafilm.com and https://8mmforum.film-tech.com/vbb/ to learn more about CineSea.



