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In this episode I talk to Simon McConway and Mark Norton about filming with Super 8. Why is it still fascinating, and why is filming on the format worth a lot of money? Get tips about filming, selecting a camera, adding audio and learn about their experiences.
- Why are we still fascinated by shooting Super 8
- My shot with Simon’s camera
- What type of films do you shoot?
- Audio – Striping of film and syncing external sources
- Cameras, existing ones and the new from Kodak
- Filming with Standard 8
- Frame speed and how it affects the impression
- What do they think about the future
- Tips for those who want to try
- Where can you learn more about filming
- Super 8 magazine – A magazine made by Jürgen Lossau with content in both German and English
- Click & Surr – Jürgen’s shop in Berlin